It was our last saturday night in Japan and i was itching to see some more action, i had hit up good friend Takuya from team Lowbrain and we had originally planned to meet in the Hakone Hills region b...
The one thing that had changed since my last visit to Japan was Daikoku PA, no longer was it easy to get too, now you had to pay the toll to get on the expressway, we worked that out the hard way and ...
Another shop i visited was Gallery GP Sports, it was only a quick stop in and i grabbed a few stickers, took a few snaps, thanked the employees and then left. The S15 was good to see in the flesh and ...
Armed with a few magazines and a GPS i tried to list all the shops that were in the same area as each other, car make T&E was on of those with SUI VAX Garage just out of our way. I parked the ren...
The Japanese love their vans, its for good reason too, most have an amazing amount of luxury features that make them desirable to many, they also have a vast amaount of upgrades available to them. The...
In the last post showed you some of the cars that were in the pits and now its time to check out whats happening on track. It was music to my ears The loudest Rainbow EVER I can’t believe i left...
I had never been to Meihan Sportsland before and it was the one place in Japan i was dying to get to. After the perfect weather at fuji Speedway the day before sunday brought constant heavy rain on ou...
As i finish up my coverage of just another Saturday at Fuji Speedway i look back over my pictures and miss Japan, its just so different to what we have here in Australia, of course its impossible to c...
The Suzuki Cappuccino is one car i dont see enough of, although im not sure i im 100% sold on the styling of this one i found at Fuji Speedway you have to admire its personality. ...