Only a few Mountains away from the Toyo Tyres Turnpike the Hakone Skyline drive is another amazing road.
Its a busy saturday morning for car enthusiast’s in the Hakone area, the weathers perfect, the roads perfect and i took a drive to check it out.
You could seriously just setup a camp chair and spend the day roadside watching the cars and bikes rip up these amazing roads.
After the toll is payed its game on, a lot of guys were going flat out
With amazing views around every corner
I think this bike was an RD350 2 stroke
Van life
Apparently this intersection is good to warm the rear tyres….
Early Lotus?
It suprised me how many NSXs are driving around Japan
A neat RX8 on Prodrive wheels
Super clean CB650 Honda
I love the 2 door WRX, this is the wider 22B version
One second after i took this photo a Ferrari F40 screamed past me and before i knew it it was gone, i lost my breath and questioned what i had just saw, i just saw a Ferrari F40, on the road, screaming past me, never before have i ever seen one drive, i would have done anything to see that again and take a photo.
This road is well used and can be seen in some early street drift videos on Youtube
I guess the toll gates would be closed at night and the drifters would have this access road to use all night without any traffic.
From here i was headed around Mt Fuji and into the Speedway………