Having that electrical issue with the Hilux really got to me, infact this last couple of months haven’t been the greatest. The gearbox purchase put a lot of pressure on me, I know it will pay off down the track but its not a good feeling spending that much on a gearbox. I haven’t posted anything over the last week because it would not have been positive at all, I hate people that whinge especially when its over something entirely self created, I understand there are so many people that would do anything to be in my position and its very selfish of me to whinge about it. When I find myself in a low point I turn to the things that make me happy, two wheels!
There is something about being on a motorcycle that gives me peace, when your on the limit you have no chance to think about anything else, the fresh air, the mechanical feel of the bike and the way you can ride them so loosely through a corner, sometimes I feel like there is no limit until you find it, your heart skips a beat and you think wow that was close, that’s what makes me feel alive!
I felt it was time to make some moves on the new project bike, after selling the Ohlins forks and Brembo calipers I decided to rethink my direction with the bike. But I still needed inspiration, a clean and organised shop produces clean and organised work, so I decided to build a base for the bike to be born on.
The frame of the table is the old chassis jig I built for the Hilux chassis, I cut it down on one end and added some loops to house the chromoly tube that I will make the bike chassis from, the backing timber is simply to give the project a different feel and inspire me while I work out the design in my head.
Now I have a great base for the project to build from, I have a plan setout in my head and can work towards getting it done. I look forward to seeing it come alive in front of me, oh and that first ride, that’s going to be a sweet feeling!
Robbie Parker
Have you come across Shinya Kimura? I find his work pretty inspirational 🙂 http://vimeo.com/13159991
It’s taken me ages to find this video, but i hope it helps you with ideas. One of my all time fav videos about motorbikes: http://vimeo.com/21847668
Finding peace whilst aboard a multiple horsepower 2-wheeled steed is something only the true biker will ever know & feel. Very hard to explain to the members of Camp You-Will-Only-Kill-Yourself-On-Bike. The ‘mechanics’ behind the sensation is probably because one is so overwhelmingly focused on riding the machine, that all else simply is shut off….but who knows…
Making safe rapid progress on two wheels focuses the mind and everything slows down into a rhythm, the only sad part is having to really slow down then life seems to crawl at a snails pace after life in the groove of speed.