Well if you know me personally then you would have heard me rave on like a lunatic about how im going to build a drift ute. I dont know why i want this so bad but i do, maybe its the bogan aussie in me coming out but theres a spot in my heart reserved for utes, my love for drifting means ill be combining the two into an all out drift ute build up. Stay tuned because every little detail of this build will be written on this site. The shot above is the photo i took this morning, ill do a day 1 build up next post in between all the japanese news. Stay tuned, exciting times ahead!!
Shane B
Hey man have you seen the drift utes in japan? They put a RB26 and they have insane lowness I see if i get find the Dori Ten mag
I have mate over and over!! Had a dream of a spaceframed IRS, white with bronze TEs hilux for a long time, now im doing it!
That sh!ts gonna be tiiiiiiight! Keeping black bumpers? Organiser of Autosalon NZ has a new shape white hilux van with black bumper lower lip and sides, sittin low on some 15″ nascar style tires and rims. looks mean.
Thanks matt, it wont have any crazy colours, just white and gun metal grey, the entire cage and bumpers ect will be gunmetal grey and the cab will be white. Should look really clean.
Really looking forward to the build on this, what engine/gearbox combo are you looking to run in it?
Not 100% sure at the moment, built LS2 with a Harrop 8 throttle inlet and a Hollinger would be nice 🙂
Beauman Draken Jones
isnt it a truck but? not a ute.
Good point its a truck because its cab on chassis yes??
Thats awesome dude. Ive wanted to build one with exactly the same frame and suspension ideas as you haha. Have you looked at the fibreglass fenders and bedsides from US pre-runner companys? they are bout 4″ higher guard openings and 5″ flare so you could bodydrop it so the sill sits 25mm of the ground and still get massive lock with good offset wheels
Ill have to check that out mate, thanks for the heads up. Ill be leaving the pinch moulding on the cab because i want to sit as low as possible in it. Will still be super low.
Nick Wedd
now this i can’t wait to see!
dude you killed it with your first truck build on DUT.
looking forward to seeing this badboy progress
Thanks mate, thats why im building this one, i miss my last truck. Maybe get to ECC after all 🙂
Ummm, shouldnt you have braced the cab before cutting the floor and both firewalls up? Not the right way to bodydrop…
This isnt a body drop Josh, nor is it anything you have seen before in the trucking world, theres no problem with body flex, infact i want it to flex, the entire chassis is going to be tube frame, that includes the rollcage, strut towers, the entire thing. They call it SPACEFRAME in race car circles. The cab that you see in this post will be removable and only serves the purpose to bolt the doors on, hold the windows in stop it raining on me and make it look like a hilux.
Grupert Awesome
This intrigues me.
Nigel, you are the king mate.
Can’t wait to see the build.
I wish I had 10% of your skills (and patience).
Thanks Greg, have to catch up again one day soon. Hows the house going?
Ryan Gillin
certainly looking forward to following this build as closely as possible, my vote goes against an LS though, simply because sr/rb on limiter sounds better haha.
should be awesome regardless, good luck with it Nigel!
Awesome! Will watch closely.
Is it going to be “styleside”?
Yes it will be, ill be getting a normal 2wd tub, remoulding the wheel archs another 4inchs wider each side and then taking fibreglass mold so i can have an endless supply of sidepanels. I may be needing them 🙂
Screw the LS, get an ITB’d 1UZ in there 😀
Plenty of engine builder know-how for them over here in NZ, we use them for Superstocks (a speedway class), which are usually around the 450hp mark on avgas, mandatory carbied with 0.500″ lift limit.