Style in drifting

Im starting to think the style is getting lost, are people going too over the top, trying to stand out? Trying to make their car better when in fact they should leave it as is. Progression is a good thing but some things are better left as is. Maybe im showing my age but everytime a new DoriTen magazine lands at my door im less impressed everytime. MSC events still show glimpses of brilliance but others are loosing touch.

This is my cup of tea!

  1. You only like it cause its got TE's!!!

  2. you should have bought
    Pickerings S15 then

  3. Lol, i like it because its simple, clean styling and solid build. Pickerings S15 would be nice but it would always be pickerings S15 😉 not Nigels crazy homebuilt S15

  4. Nice shot 😉

  5. Look familiar does it Rob? 🙂 thanks for the pic

  6. Completly agree, like food; its not about having everyflavour in the one dish, but a carefully select few that have been chose with regard to knowledge and passion for the food your using.. haha or whateva you get the drift

  7. A good number of people agree with the fact that the styling today pretty much sucks. People just keep trying to out due the last and have pushed things beyond "tasteful"

  8. Nigel, how do you manage to get Dori ten delivered to your door?

    Matt Stanley


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