After a little break Chopped was back! What is Chopped? It’s hard to explain, old cars, motorcycles, good music, food, drinks and people. This year they had a drag strip and it was all the motiv...
Two events popped up recently that I wanted to attend, a Vintage Scramble day and also the Chopped festival. The vintage scramble day allowed me to get the 1969 Rickman Metisse out for a round of raci...
It’s been a busy couple of months, since moving into my new space I have been adament not to waste any time during the setup phase. In the first two minutes that I laid eyes on this space I new ...
Following on from my last post where I drove our 1965 Econoline up to the RedBull Day in the Dirt I stored my van at my sister in laws on the Gold Coast and flew back home waiting for the perfect oppo...
It all started with a trip to Japan in 2010, I went to see drifting and ended up falling in love with vintage American motorcycles, sounds crazy right? I’ll try and explain myself. While exploring Jap...
After heading over the San Gabriel mountain range and experiencing the El Mirage dry lake it was time to head East. After finding one of the best Japanese meals I have had in a long time in Victorvill...
I’ll be honest when I started this project I just wanted to transfer the burning desire I had in my mind into something tangible and material. It’s the same story with the Hilux and all of...
**Remember to keep checking this post for progress** Its 8am Tuesday here in Geelong Victoria Australia and I am patiently awaiting 6pm Monday in Baldwin NY USA, why? Well it’s a long story that’s abo...
Last month I had the opportunity to go on a little East Coast adventure with Dean and Lee, it was all for the new Triumph Scrambler and I wrote a piece for Tank Moto about the adventure, it was a heap...