In preparation for the FLATS Movie and the build of the land speed race bike I researched America’s home of speed “Bonneville Salt Flats” but was suprised to find that they also race...
In part 6 I did the final test ride before powder-coat, in Part 7 its time to get everything finalised and make the final steps towards the race. 6/03/15 I had to finish early to drop the frame off to...
27/02/15 It’s been a full week since the 2 day bender that led up to the first ride, over the course of that week I have planned the finishing touches to the bike that will allow it to be tech inspect...
What a wild weekend that was, Friday night quickly stretched into Saturday morning and by the time I got all my jobs done it was time to load the bike into the van and head off for the meet point with...
The last four days have flown by, last Friday I spent the day rushing around organizing everything I needed to do in the garage over the weekend, I wanted to be prepared so that as soon as the filming...
10/2/15 With the bike finally all pulled apart and all the parts needed for the new build layed out on the floor I was ready to start the fun bit! I was so eager to get home and finish the steering ne...
6/2/2015 Woke up early today and opened up the garage, its Friday, the suns out and I have 15 minutes to repair the clutch arm on the Harley so I can ride something to work. I removed the exhausts, th...
1/2/2015 Its 1 month and 25 days till the event, I’m starting to stress about the build, the bike sits untouched in the garage but I know it’s mechanically sound. I’m still reading the DLRA rule book ...
Since finishing the Hilux build and filming the Dream Build Drive documentary I have been yearning for something new, the last 5 years had been a steep learning curve, a stretch on the budget and a te...