Throughout all of the projects you will see here at Engineered to Slide you have probably noticed that most of them utilize the TIG welding method, and although this is my welding method of choice it’s not something that I started out doing.
My first welder was a MIG welder and in those early days it allowed me to modify my car for drifting on a shoestring budget, in this Project I want to take things back the roots of motorsport fabrication and use three very simple tools that most of us will start out using, the angle grinder, the MIG welder and a hand file to create a low on cost but high on performance header system for my naturally aspirated SR20.
Watch it all unfold in this three part video series and if your interested in learning more about the design and fabrication processes you can get all the information you need to produce your own by taking my NA Header Fabrication Skills Course.