Chopped 2019

After a little break Chopped was back!

What is Chopped? It’s hard to explain, old cars, motorcycles, good music, food, drinks and people.

This year they had a drag strip and it was all the motivation I needed to get the old 1951 Triumph off the bench and give it a run.

Oh and the 1965 Econoline to take it there.

A weekend festival means that camping can extend the good times!

I love getting the bike out and giving it a run.

There was plenty to see, I thought one engine was enough work!

Cool stuff everywhere.

It was really good to hear this fire up, Nitro Hemi Coupe sounded, smelt, felt amazing.

I really liked the new venue and layout, hopefully Chopped 2020 will be back.

Parked up in the camp area.

Where we had a few beers and enjoyed the entertainment.

Such a good event, good to get the old Triumph out and give it a run.

Thanks for having us Chopped.

1 Comment
  1. Hi! Bit random but I’m wondering if you have any additional photos of the 5th image in this post? It’s the front of a Chevrolet Nomad with someone sitting in the front window.

    We think this might be a vehicle that’s for sale here in New Zealand that we are looking to buy. It’s converted to a ute.

    In other images we have, the ute has a logo on the door so we are wanting to see whose it was. Or a plate # or something.

    Thanks heaps!


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