If you head to the shop you will find some fresh stuff I have been working on.

This new design was brought to life by Alex Lehours, I fell in love with Alexs illustration style graphic artwork at a motorcycle show a few years back, in the chaos of the final stages of the Hilux build I gave Alex a few Ideas on what to draw and he absolutely nailed it. Its got all the elements of the build in the illustration, the skull in the welding mask is like a symbol of how tired I became sometimes throughout the build. All of the Above in Melbourne printed the shirts with extra features like branding on the tag and back, they are available in the store and look amazing.

I also restocked the caps so check them out if you like.

Late last year I met a guy who’s thirst for life and getting stuff done is almost greater than mine. Dean picked up this stock XS250, in a week I transformed it into something extremely enjoyable, its a great bike and I am glad Deans riding the guts out of it!

Dean knew of a screen printing setup that we could use for a bit so last night we went and picked it up.

Another friend drew up a design which is ultra clean and we got the screens made.

Then got some pizza, a few drinks and got to work. Im really happy we gave this a go, although ETS isnt a clothing brand its good to have some merchandise available for people to wear, I feel proud when I see it around because I know that people enjoy what it represents, its garage built, cars, bikes, surf, fun, freedom, dreams, anything you want it to be really, its hand built and now so are the shirts.
With every dollar earned the future looks brighter and brighter, boundaries are lifted and the impossible seems more and more achievable.

Bro you should do vlogs on YouTube…. Maybe try be funny like the mightycarmods guys haha
Is anyone having trouble buying from the store or is it just me?