With 2013 coming to end it has been a total rush getting everything sorted and ready for the Hilux to ship out.
After the drive on the street, the clean up and then loading it all up in the trailer I was set and ready to hit the road, its a 10 hour trip up to Sydney and I went an extra few hours to see my Sister before Christmas. So nearly 16 hours later of driving I had reached Price and Speed Shipping Co.
Matt is doing a documentary “Dream Build Drive” and came along with us to cover the loading up and shipping out, we did some interviews along the way and he is always great company on a long trip.
With all the dramas behind me I was happy to be driving it inside the container and not pushing it, only a few days ago I was expecting to not have solved the issues and I would be diagnosing in NZ.
As I write this it will be at Sea somewhere between Australia and New Zealand, I hope the captain of that ship realises he is carries my hopes and dreams on board that vessel!
Come and see it if your in NZ by grabbing some tickets to the unveil night.
Andy NotLoud Walnuts
Where’s the Dream. Build. Drive. stickers? I donated and nothing showed up!