When I decided to build the ute my emphasis was on doing as much of the work myself, this meant gaining the skills and the tools to do the majority of the work. But there comes a time when you can only build so much….
That situation came for me numerous times throughout the build, I would search high and low for a low cost option to hurdle a problem and then continue with the parts that I could easily build myself.
As soon as you step outside the boundries of normal chassis design the normal radiator and intercooler thats available off the shelf will rarely meet your needs. If you run the risk of buying one to modify then you could be wasting your time and money. I tried this, I thought I could buy a radiator that had the right core size and modify it, I also thought I could do the same with the intercooler but after two failed attempts (partly from the poor quality alloy used in the production of cheap coolers) I gave up and went to the best……. PWR
I emailed the guys at PWR and was suprised that they are able to make anything, thats right if you need it they can make it, each core is individually made to suit your design, if you can draw it then they can produce it.
On my PS13 I no longer needed the intercooler so I sold it to make way for a custom PWR radiator, I spent a few minutes in MS paint drawing what I needed. With no intercooler being needed I was able to lay the radiator down on a 30 degree angle to open up the engine bay and really show off the tidy SR20.
A couple of years ago I spent some time up in Queensland with the Cootes building the Time Attack S13, after consulting Barry Lock the Aerodynamic technition on this project we worked out that this PWR radiator and intercooler combo had to be on a large lean forward with a large vent behind it for the air to escape the engine bay and help with downforce and air speed. Although im not going to be changing my bonnet anytime soon its good to know that my radiator is built for that type of purpose.
Long story short if you want the best coolers without any of the headaches then PWR have a solution for you!
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Question from Russia.How many meters of pipe left on the frame?And how much money is invested?))
And by the way, the project is insanely cool!)