After leaving Fuji Speedway we set the Navi for Kyoto and got ready to pay over $100aud in tolls
Nek minute this Oddysey pops out of nowhere and it took some pretty gnarly lane changes to get a better look.
I know the style dosnt suit a lot of people but my god it had some serious presence on the road.
I had actually seen pictures of it not that long before leaving for Japan but seeing it in the wild was something special.
I actually took a wrong turn and thought id lost it, about half an hour later i pulled into a PA, filled up with fuel and parked, sure enough over the other side of the carpark it sat.
All the stickers pointed to it being a “southern” Japan car, Most of the suspension was 326power and yes its static!
After politely asking the owner for a few photes we had a chat and he informed me he was on his way back to Hiroshima, thats a fair drive in a fairly wild car, you start to understand why Japan is AMAZING, those highways really are that good!
As he climbed in i was still starstruck, what a crazy masterpiece.
I waved goodbye to his inner sidewalls as he drove off into the sunset and we went in and sat down to a good feed of PA Ramen, it makes our Maccas stops in Aus seem a whole lot less exciting thats for sure.
Just because you can does not mean you should
Dakota D. Platt
I love this.