With the brakes all sandblasted and the arrival of the pads i decided to fit everything up and start measuring the brakeline lengths.
Thinking about doing an ETS logo CNC machined into the brakes, the pads are RDA brand and were under $50 for the 8 pads, so cheap! Drift cars dont need fancy high temp pads so these will do the job.
The harnesses are in and have have to come back out to be cut and sewn together as theres no room for the adjuster to sit behind the seat, theres enough adjustment on the lower loops to get the fit right.
Its time to purchase a weld on removable steering wheel hub to weld on to the steering column, i have the length and hight just right now.
So now its time to do another Summit order on fittings and pre made brake lines, i hope all my measurements are right!
The quality of work that has gone in to this is astounding, it’s actually a bit of a shame to put body panels on it!
Nice work.
dammmn this is awesome!
p dub
getting close now man! awesome!
Where’d you get the rda brake pads from?
Damn! The dash in the 2nd to last picture looks cool as hell, and its not even finished….
Awesome Nigel. Triple check before you order from Summit.
Are those brake pads ok for street use? and where do you get them from? looks amazing!
Hey , i can’t wait to see the finished product of this awesome shit! DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking awesome man, btw the anti-rattle clip is upside down on the front caliper.
Melvin H
Ive always had a pretty cool idea so i will just suggest it here as well. instead or painting the inside of the truck, why not just clear coat over it? it would stillbe protected by the clear coat but that is some glorious work so why not show it off? 😀 its be cool to still see the hard work put into the Ute
Marc Bergeon
Nigel, are you sand/bead blasting all of those parts or are you putting them through some kind of chemical stripper?
Sandblasting Marc
Marc Bergeon
I love sandblasting, I used to sand blast turbo housings in my early teens with my mentor. I’ve been meaning to get another sand blaster. How much air pressure do you usually need for it?
Matt Moree
man im tring to build my 89 toyota drift truck. is your truck going to be pro-am legal??
Chris Matthews
Just saw your post. Wrong country, it’s been built in Australia.