Im really sorry, i had planned to do this big post about this stage of the build, go into some finer details and get some good shots, long story short I’ve ran out of time, its now 11.30pm and i have to leave for sydney in 2 hours time.
With the weather turning bad i couldn’t even get it outside for some good side shots.
If your in Aus then come along to WTAC this weekend to check it out.
Wow that looks fantastic.
mark watson
Lost for words…
damn dude! ive been checking up on your progress, its awesome to finally see the finished product. Coolest drift machine I’ve seen in a long time.
Congrads for getting it to this stage man. Its looking awsome and after wtac you have deserve your sleep ins
Absolutely blown away Nigel it looks frickn amazing!!
Alvin Phillip
This is the hardest hard…..damn Nigel…..doing it like ah BAWSE!!!!
That looks legit enough to throw some plates on and go cruising….
So tough.
Holy mother of god
The Hilux looks freaking awesome! The roads in Australia must be butter-smooth. A truck at that high wouldn’t survive 10 min. here in California.
roads here are terrible, and sadly this car wont ever be road legal, every car here has to be a max 100mm clearance from the lowest point 🙁
Amazing work! It came together so flawlessly. I’m looking forward to seeing this thing in action in the future. Have a great weekend!
Congrats Nigel, that looks crazy!
i’m from Malaysia, i really admire your work… i have view most of your work since you start this UTE project….
I would love to do this to my stepdads mighty max.
All we need right is sideways action 🙂
That black front end looks so sweet/commercial JDM, I hope it stays like that
Of course it will, flat white paint and factory everything, no stickers just how a hilux should be!
I’ve been watching this build almost from beginning to where it is now. Amazing work all the way. I have not seen anything I would disagree with on this build yet. I would have probably kept things like suspension components and engine all Toyota too BUT this ute of yours is neither Toyota nor Nissan, it is purely yours mate.
How about a bit of paint on the cab where the windows are mounted of a grey or black to hide the screws? Or, with your skills you could fashion some sort of aluminium bezel to hide them. On another note they do add to the absolutely raw appeal of the car. Love the clear coat on the different parts.
Keep it up mate.
Wow! That is beautiful! Looks like a life size model car.