11/11/2011 – A Special Day

Today is special for a few reasons, the first being the commemoration of the end of the 1st World War at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. The second being I am moving house, now a proud house owner with a mortgage and a decent shed. Now 11-11-11 will commemorate the death of my tiny garage that has served as a 10 year long birth place for all my projects and drift cars.

  1. Pics!

  2. Well done mate! I’m sure you going to love being able to work on the car with plenty of room to move

  3. Congrats mate, mortgage + building cars sucks… trust me.

    All the best

  4. Congratulations on being a home owner mate!

  5. Congrats on the purchase, can’t wait to see the new shed. Still in Geelong?

  6. Congrats on the purchase bro, cant wait to see the new shed

  7. Congratulations dude. Wish you all the best, I bet you cant wait to have all your babies under the same roof!

  8. Congarts, good luck on all your future cars!

  9. congratulations man! keep up the awesome work!

  10. At least you have a garage!
    Can’t wait to see more great stuff. I love this blog.

  11. Nice work Buddy, Congrats on the new house and shed!

  12. Long time reader, first time poster.

    Epic blog and Congrats on the new shed (with attached house) mate!


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