I have a stack of pics from D1NZ so i thought id start doing car by car run throughs starting with the rookie class guys. Chris’s S14A fronted S13 Silvia had it all going on.
The tranquil early Thursday morning in Te Kauwhata NZ was broken with cars warming up for there first practice runs on Hampton Downs world class circuit.
One car that stood out for me was this S13. It had all the signs of a hard life but performed super well.
Chris’s styling and his driving was spot on! visit Chris and Max’s blog for more photos
Thats Mr Chris Picket Howard
Chris Howard.
If im not mistaken that car was actually JT”s old K-STYLE S13 he used over here in D1NZ years ago
Just found this! haha yep it was JT’s car when D1 first started over here. Changed a fairbit now since ive owned it though, tidied ALOT of things up on the car and currently doing a 1jz swap.