My old friend from work who is a master with all things fibreglass (who will be doing all my FRP hilux panels) was cleaning out his late farthers shed when he offered me this lathe, i was all to happy to take it off his hands, its a little small but will allow me to make bushes and get all types of small turning jobs done.
thats a Massive Win man !! credit to your mate !!
That’s awesome! Treat that thing well and it’ll last through you and the next several guys who it gets passed to.
Dirty Dave
Sweet mate, like you said perfect for the little fiddly bits and one offs
Deffinately mate, will be very handy
Very nice piece of machinery! Looking forward to seeing some home-made goodness come from it
Nice dude.. I’ve got a pretty big one you could have had. Only problem is that it’s in nsw and weighs about a tone. Same deal though, someone else’s dads lathe that never got used, who gave it to us but never used it lol.
It would weigh a tonne, Even the small ones weigh a tonne. Id still be interested though mate, it would be worth the journey for sure.
I’ll shoot you an email tonight with some info and pictures. It will need a clean up but if you want it, it’s yours. Its just taking up space and I would rather see it get used, especially when it’s involving drift lol 😀
Oh that would be so awesome mate, id love for you to send me some pics, i would be forever gratefull 🙂
Nice lathe !! Whit skills and imagination you can turn bigger things than you think whit this one. Those lathe saved me alot of money fabbing parts for my 240sx (180sx up in canada)
I’m sure the former owner would be proud to see it go to good use…
Is there a set of TEs leaning against everything on your shed?