The choice of driveline for the drift ute was a hard one, do i go V8 or do i stick with what i know and more to the point what i already have?

This is that Pewter S15 that followers may have seen in previose posts, i abondoned the idea of fixing it and making it a track car because the amount of track days we have just dont justify it.

First things first, i removed the rear cradle, ill be using the entire rear cradle out of this S15, its all factory so it reqires a 2 way and arms but everything is there to get the ute rolling.

Next on the list was the motor, this is also factory but will be modified once the frames built around it.

The tyre rack i made came in handy as an engine stand.

Slung it up with some tie downs and backed the trailor in.

In no time everything was out and ready to go home.

The trailor comes in so handy all the time!!

Heres tha chassis jig i made up to hold everything while it gets shifted around.

The motor will sit a lot higher than it would in a normal S15. This was one major advantage with the hiluxs high bonnet and front end structure. At ride height the body will be 75mm off the ground, the xmember will be 125mm off the ground and the rear cradle will be 250mm off the ground. All of this makes for straight arms, straight driveshafts and a roll center somwhere in the vacinity of normal.

The cab will still come forward another 50mm after some more cutting.

The rear cradle still has to come up 150mm from where it is in this picture. It makes life easy when everything you need is pacakeged as neatly as nissan did the rear cradle.

The center bearing for the tailshaft is excatly in line with the rear wall of the cab, its going to be so easy to make all this work. Its so exciting to see an idea actually work so well in reall life!

The gearbox and tailshaft will all be inside the cabin, the floor will run underneath everything and there will be a removable cone shape cover that will go over the transmission.

Next stage is the full tube frame, that will be a lot of fun!!
Grupert Awesome
This is gonna be good, this is gonna be REAL good.
this is like watching Rides, but better. You should film this build, put it on DVD, and then sell it when it’s done.
Thanks mate, it would be good to do something like that. Ill be happy with a stack of decent photos!!
Man thats gonna be awesome! It is definitely better than watching rides at least in this program i will end up being able to see the car in action somewhere instead of watching some rich shmuck buy it at auction.
keep it up bro great work
Cheers Dion!! its going to be a fun thing to drive!!
Not only are you an ideas man but dam you get your ar** into gear quickly and get them into motion. Sr20 is a good choice boy would far rather see that in the light chassis than some big cc high torque donk
Thanks for the words mate, balance over power everytime.
Balance over power is a good motto for the build.
A++ work again mate. Super keen to follow your progress. No wonder you’re soo ripped, lifting all that steel and car bits about ;p
Haha, cheers mate!!
Nick Wedd
shit hot work man! just when I think you’ve seen it all from you, you come up with a build like this! well done I’m mightily impressed!
Awesome Nigel!! seriously cant wait to see this running!!!
Wow intense build. Must never rain over there… In Auckland you’d be watching the skies all the time. Will be interesting to see the corner weight is of the ute. So, no more love for the pewter s15. Will you still post up the front loom tuck write up you mentioned before?
I get more stoked on this with every post! Good plan with the SR – the rest of this build is outside-the-box as it is, may aswell stick with something you know so well on the power front.
Keep the updates coming!
Epic thread/blog mate. Love how you show the plan and idea stage, not just the build and complete stages.
The execution of each stage is flawless too. To much skill 😛
Keep it up 🙂
youre off your dome
You want to ship that S15 shell to me here in the US?
hahahha. Drift ute looks like it’s going to be amazing!
Haha, no problems, the shipping will cost more than the shell!!